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Zwei Trinkflaschen aus Edelstahl mit Schriftzug: we are not finished yet

soulbottles in transition #wearenotfinishedyet

Zwei Trinkflaschen aus Edelstahl mit Schriftzug: we are not finished yet

soulbottles in transition #wearenotfinishedyet

soulbottles faces a challenge—but we're not giving up! Together with you, we're shaping a more sustainable future. Learn more and be part of the movement! #wearenotfinishedyet

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zero waste weihnachten • tipps zur müllvermeidung
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zero waste Christmas • tips for avoiding waste

Each of us produces over 500 kg of household waste per year. The zero-waste movement shows that there is another way. A beginner's tip: shop with as little packaging as possible. Most of the waste ...

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Trinkflasche aus Glas am Brunnenrand mit Motiv: Freie Liebe (Pride Month)
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Pride month: Between rainbow-washing and activism

The Pride Month June is all about standing up for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. During the month, parades and protests take place, rainbow flags fly on every corner, and even large corporat...

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Wasserfilter von soulbottles in Glastrinkflasche am See

drink clean drinking water everywhere with the soulfilter

Bye-bye plastic bottles and hello soulfilter! Do you long to be able to drink clean drinking water from your soulbottle even in the deepest jungle? Or do you simply like your tap water better whe...

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hellblau gekachelte Dusche
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Plastic-free bathroom: 10 tips for less plastic

Solid shampoo, toothpaste tablets, period underwear and plastic-free cotton buds: there are now a number of sustainable bathroom products on the market. But the plastic devil is in the details: mic...

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soulig coworken & kaffee schlürfen • im neuen soulcafé
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soulful coworking & sipping coffee • in the new soulcafé

We want to slow down, relax music and sit comfortably. But we also want exchange, spontaneity and inspiration. And on top of that we want elaborate coffee and tea specialties that you would never m...

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Gewaltfreie Kommunikation bei soulbottles
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Talking about feelings at work & other hippie nonsense: non-violent communication at soulbottles

Discover how soulbottles has used Nonviolent Communication since its founding. Find out why NVC is so important to the team in Berlin.

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Trinkflasche aus Edelstahl im Geschenkkarton für Weihnachten
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Time for your loved ones: 5 tips on how to give closeness

Are you wondering how you can give closeness and stay in touch with your loved ones during the winter despite Corona? Do you want to be there for your fellow human beings and give personal gifts ...

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Mikroskopaufnahme Gewebe

different types of plastic – is there also “okay” plastic?

Plastic, also known colloquially as synthetic material , is a synthetically produced solid material that is usually obtained from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Why do we humans rely so m...

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Infografik Leitungswasser aus Wasserhahn läuft in Trinkflasche

How does our drinking water actually get into the tap?

Summer, sun, thirst! I've just filled up my soulbottle with tap water for the umpteenth time today - drinking a lot is sooo important in these temperatures. Drinking water is the number one food...

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