Are you wondering how you can give closeness despite Corona and stay in touch with your loved ones during the winter? Do you want to be there for your fellow human beings and give personal gifts that will be remembered? We have put together five creative ideas for you. Even if Although 2020 was mentally challenging, we have learned one thing: Even from a distance, we can look after each other and be there for each other.
1. Write a letter
When was the last time you wrote a letter? Not to the tax office, but to your loved ones? A personal greeting through the post has become rare and is a wonderful way to show closeness in these times. Every handwriting is unique and reveals an insight into a person's character. When you write a letter, it's not just the words you share with the person you're writing to - your handwriting shows a piece of yourself. A handwritten letter also expresses: I've taken the time to stay in touch with you. After all, what you've written cannot simply be deleted, replaced or added to. In this sense, writing letters invites you to be particularly attentive when putting thoughts into words. Another special feature compared to digital text messages: you get away from the screen - yay. In short: a handwritten letter is a personal gift that also promotes mindfulness, creativity and relaxation.

2. Make a photo album
Do you long for times when adventures took you to faraway lands, for closeness - without Corona in the back of your mind - to your holiday friends? Now that our radius of life is once again concentrated strongly on our own four walls, wanderlust will make itself known sooner or later. Sometimes it can help to reminisce - and then make a photo album. This way, the longing to travel does not remain in the form of brooding thoughts in your head, but finds its way out into the world - on paper. There are no limits to your creativity. For all those who have always wanted to honor the most beautiful snapshots, now is the time . Make yourself comfortable and set off on a journey through your most beautiful holiday memories. Then you can invite friends to browse too. Collect photos that you took on a trip together and then give each other the finished photo album as a gift. You will notice: remembering together makes the old times seem close enough to touch and creates a feeling of connection and closeness.

3. Make personal gifts that will be remembered
Are you fed up with pointless gifts that are quickly forgotten? Do you want to give gifts that add real value? Then we have an idea: Our soulbottles are not only loyal companions for all situations, but also lead to more sustainability in everyday life. Anyone who has a soulbottle at home is motivated to drink tap water and thus saves a lot of CO₂ and plastic. Our motto this winter: Time for the good stuff ! And that also includes: No last-minute gift stress. If you already take care of gifts for your loved ones, there will be more time in December for mindfulness and our tips for more closeness. You will also relieve the burden on the people who work as parcel deliverers and have more to do than ever before due to the Corona crisis. Bulk orders are best - this way you also save a lot of packaging material and do something good for the planet. Convinced? Then click here to see the selection of soulbottles.
4. Arrange to talk on the phone
Did you know that over a third of a person's positive charisma is expressed through their voice? The voice has a greater impact on a conversation than many people realize - it is a key stimulus in interpersonal communication. Or as the Swiss diplomat Gerard Bauer put it: "The voice is a person's second face." The voice is particularly crucial when it comes to expressing emotional feelings and making them understandable. In addition, the voice is an important tool for really reaching someone with your own message. With the power of the voice, you can motivate, inspire, convince, comfort, and draw attention. In this sense: grab your cell phone and just call them - friends, parents, siblings, grandparents. If "just calling" doesn't work out so well, make a conscious appointment to talk on the phone. This way, conversations on the phone have a permanent place in your everyday life, and you can look forward to them in advance. Talking on the phone cannot replace personal contact, but it creates closeness and is an invitation to listen consciously. Would you like to finally see all your loved ones at the same time? Then go for it and invite them to a video call with your loved ones.
5. Invite people for a walk
Are you longing for offline contact with your loved ones? You can invite friends who live in your area for a walk, while observing the distance regulations. Head out into nature together and enjoy the feeling of being so close to one another. Even if you don't hug, a walk can be a very intense encounter. Tip: Pay conscious attention to eye contact. Fresh air is also the best prerequisite for long conversations and new ideas. If a walk together with a loved one doesn't happen right now - have you ever complimented a stranger on the street? Not only your loved ones will be happy to receive greetings and appreciation from you, but also people you meet by chance on the street. You will notice: There are many ways to create closeness in everyday life. We just have to be open to it.