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Article: 5 tips for your chic logo engraving

5 tipps für deine schnieke logogravur

5 tips for your chic logo engraving

Do you want to put your own design on the drinking bottle? Do you want to design the most personal drinking bottle ever for your dachshund club in the Black Forest, your wedding in the summer, your women's soccer club or your best friend? Here are our 5 soulful tips for chic engravings on our soulful glass drinking bottles.

We offer everyone the opportunity to create a completely individual soulbottle - and it's all in no time at all. You can get started with just one soulbottle! We'll show you what you should bear in mind here: 5 tips, tutorials and free tools. So that everything runs smoothly when it's time to say: let's get vectorized! Give your future soulmate a special soul.

Comparison of vector and pixel graphics using a pictogram of a dachshund

Here you can see the difference between a pixel file and a vector file if you zoom into the subject.

  1. We love vector files: we accept anything that ends in .ai, .eps and .svg for the individual engraving of a soul bottle. Because then we know that it is a vector file. Important: Many formats also accept pixel files, so please make sure that the document is really a vector file . Only with vector files can we assure our laser team that no files will arrive that show the logo blurry and pixelated. Even if you can't see it with your own eyes - from a technical perspective, the graphics must output vectors. A clear line is essential, especially when lasering. This also applies if your logo contains text. Simply convert them to paths, then we are on the safe side here too! At the end of this article, we have put together a list of good videos and some free programs that we recommend for vectorizing files. Until then, read the remaining 4 points.
  1. The devil is in the details: The logo of your dreams shouldn't be too detailed. Turning a playful and ornate graphic into a vector file can be quite detailed. The vector file can also become messy after you or a program have vectorized it. So try to keep it basic and clean. We can tell you from experience - it looks all the more stylish.
  1. It's all about the square: your future logo engraving will measure 6 x 6 cm (or even 7 x 7 cm for 1.0 l). That doesn't mean that we only like square logos. Your file just has to be square. You can go wild with it as much as you like - yes, you can create a round logo measuring 6 x 6 cm. Pretty wild, eh?

Glass drinking bottle with bird motif by soulbottles on garden table with bread
  1. Your pole position: The engraving is given a fixed position on the bottle - your individual laser engraving is placed nice and centrally and clearly visible on your future soulmate. The soulful vibes only come when you see it with your own eyes? We project your freaky logo live onto the drinking bottle in our logo engraving preview.
  1. We produce with care: The engraved soulbottle will usually reach you after 10 working days, but to be on the safe side we say it can take up to 15 working days. After careful inspection, like little turquoise elves, we laser your favorite motif onto the glass drinking bottle - each motif individually. As soon as we have sent the engraved soulbottle, you will be notified by email and can track the shipment. Then the doorbell rings and the soulbottle is in your arms. Happy ending.

Please note: There are almost no limits to your originality! We have one more requirement: Please make sure that you own the rights or licenses for the uploaded logo. If this is not the case, we will unfortunately have to cancel your order. That means: no "Friends" logo or the Nike Swoosh as a logo engraving. But you can tell your favorite brand about us and how cool their logo would look on a soulbottle! :) Also: We do not engrave discriminatory content and reserve the right to cancel such orders without giving reasons.

Order soulmates with logo engraving directly >>

motif templates

Unicorn, handball, sun, cat... If you already know exactly what you want but are still having trouble implementing it, we have created a series of motifs that you can use. Download the file, edit it as you wish if necessary and simply upload it during the ordering process. You can also use our examples to see what the perfect logo engraving file should look like. Find our motif templates here >>

Want to know a nerdy fun fact about vector files?

Here we go: While pixel files consist of individual points that are connected to each other, vector files consist of the connections between these points, which are constantly recreated based on mathematical calculations. This means you can zoom into the vectorized file for an infinite amount of time - it will never become blurry.

Drinking bottle from soulbottles with skateboarding motif next to skateboard and detailed shot

Tool tips, own research and customer service

Tools we recommend for vectorization:

  • Adobe Illustrator: paid, but very effective for vector files.
  • Inkscape: free, user-friendly and good for vectorization.
  • Gravit Designer: free, but the interface can seem a bit complex.
  • Skencil: for those who are familiar with Python.
  • Convertio : a practical online program for vectorization.

Easy-to-understand vectorization tutorials:

This will take you to our landing page, where you can put your own logo on the soulbottle . If you have any further questions, please contact our customer service and take a look at our FAQ.

Drawing on the tablet of a dachshund pictogram as a vector file


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